When kids lose a tooth, they are overjoyed because that means the tooth fairy is coming to bring them a present. In fact, kids are so excited about losing a tooth they will wiggle a tooth until it falls out, hoping to hurry that tooth along. However, when you are an adult, discovering a loose tooth isn't nearly so exciting. In fact, having a loose tooth as an adult is cause for concern. Here is more information about losing teeth in adulthood.
How Did I Get A Loose Tooth?
There are several reasons adults get loose teeth. First, you may have a loose tooth because of an accident or an injury. The number one reason people lose teeth suddenly is due to trauma to the face and head. However, the most likely reason you have a loose tooth probably has nothing to do with an accident, especially if you don't practice good health habits. If you don't practice brushing and flossing, you are more likely to develop a cavity. Cavities are caused by bacteria eating away at your tooth enamel. Over time, the bacteria can eat through the enamel and move into the pulp of your tooth. Once bacteria reach the tooth pulp, it infects it. If you don't have a root canal to save the tooth, you'll lose it.
You may also have a loose tooth because of gum disease, which is when bacteria cause an infection in your gums. Gum disease causes your gums to loosen and create spaces between your teeth and gums. If your gum disease isn't treated, you can lose your teeth this way as well. The best defense against losing your teeth is to practice good dental health. You need to be sure you are brushing and flossing your teeth twice a day every day, and visiting the dentist twice a year for cleaning and x-rays.
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